Etosha and Khaudum


There are two very different National Parks in the west of the Riverdance Lodge. The Etosha is the best known and the Khaudum is probably the wildest National Park in Namibia. 


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Etosha Park

Size: 22’912 km2


600 km away from our lodge

Best known park in Namibia

Very good wildlife viewing during the dry season, park is completely fenced

Opportunity to view animals at night at floodlit waterholes

Easy self-drive destination

Several accommodation options catering to different budgets

Khaudum Park

Size: 3’842 km2


120 km away from our lodge

Semi desert area, called Kalahari Sandveld

Hardly view visitors, maybe only one in camp

Large herds of animals, not easy to spot

Elephant, African wild dog, lion, leopard, roan antelope, giraffe

Wildest park, difficult to drive (only in convoy)